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Morning Devotional 081622 How Will You Lift Up Someone Today

Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room

August 16, 2022

Read Acts of the Apostles 11:19-30

19 Now those who were scattered as a result of the trouble that occurred because of Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch. They proclaimed the word only to Jews. 20 Among them were some people from Cyprus and Cyrene. They entered Antioch and began to proclaim the good news about the Lord Jesus also to Gentiles. 21 The Lord’s power was with them, and a large number came to believe and turned to the Lord. 22 When the church in Jerusalem heard about this, they sent Barnabas to Antioch. 23 When he arrived and saw evidence of God’s grace, he was overjoyed and encouraged everyone to remain fully committed to the Lord. 24 Barnabas responded in this way because he was a good man, whom the Holy Spirit had endowed with exceptional faith. A considerable number of people were added to the Lord. 25 Barnabas went to Tarsus in search of Saul. 26 When he found him, he brought him to Antioch. They were there for a whole year, meeting with the church and teaching large numbers of people. It was in Antioch where the disciples were first labeled “Christians.” 27 About that time, some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28 One of them, Agabus, stood up and, inspired by the Spirit, predicted that a severe famine would overtake the entire Roman world. (This occurred during Claudius’ rule.) 29 The disciples decided they would send support to the brothers and sisters in Judea, with everyone contributing to this ministry according to each person’s abundance. 30 They sent Barnabas and Saul to take this gift to the elders.

Good morning! We are saved by God’s abundant grace!

Barnabus, whose real name was Joseph, was named by the apostles “the son of encouragement.” He worked tirelessly to encourage the ministries of the disciples who were facing many obstacles including martyrdom in those early years following the resurrection of Jesus. The Jewish leaders still believed that this Christian movement could be squelched and everything would go back to “normal” and they would once again be able to laud the power over others and oppress those who they deemed unworthy.

Barnabus went to Antioch to encourage the first churches established among the Gentiles. He then sought Paul and became his companion and mentor as they traveled spreading the Good News.

Think of those in your lives who are your encouragers. They lift you up when you are unsure and support you when you are weary. I believe that the “Barnabus’” that appear in our lives are not there by chance, but are led by God to be there when we need them. As my teacher friends return to school for a new year, I thank them for being the encouragers for our children.

In today’s world, many children come to school with so many doubts. Some live in a world where they don’t know when they will get another meal, when someone will be there with them, or even if anyone cares for them or loves them. Our teachers are there faithfully working to give encouragement and love for all of God’s children. May each of God’s children feel the love and mercy that is available to them.

Loving and Caring God, Thank You for loving us. Many live in darkness and need the hope that only faith can provide. Help us be encouraging for those in need. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: What will I do to encourage someone today?

Lift someone up today! Pastor Liz

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Terri Seto
Terri Seto
Aug 18, 2022

Thanks for YOUR encouragement!

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