Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
March 13, 2025
Job 42:14-17
12 Then the LORD blessed Job’s latter days more than his former ones. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen, and one thousand female donkeys. 13 He also had seven sons and three daughters. 14 He named one Jemimah, a second Keziah, and the third Keren-happuch. 15 No women in all the land were as beautiful as Job’s daughters; and their father gave an inheritance to them along with their brothers. 16 After this, Job lived 140 years and saw four generations of his children. 17 Then Job died, old and satisfied.
Good Morning. God showers us with blessings upon blessings
We live in a challenging time, but each generation faces its own challenges. Beginning with Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the garden, challenges identify those living in a particular time. Whether we are talking about Abraham, Moses, David, the history of the Israelite people, or any generation of modern times, things happen that permanently identify and shape the ideas of its members.
Most of us are children or grandchildren of those who lived during the Great Depression, which significantly shaped the lives of our more recent ancestors. I remember going to my grandparents' house and opening a cabinet door to reveal stacks of cottage cheese containers. Their basement was filled with things they saved just in case of a shortage so they would be prepared. Old, broken electronics were saved, and parts such as tubes and transistors could be salvaged to fix the current one.
Contrast this idea with our current devices designed to be thrown away when they quit working because you can’t access the parts. Even if parts can be replaced, the cost of parts and labor far exceeds that of a newer model.
How are we identified spiritually or theologically? There was a time when churches were filled on Sunday mornings, and crowds gathered whenever the doors were open. The church was the gathering place for the children of God. Most churches have empty seats today, and weekday events are poorly attended. This is in direct contrast to our ever-growing population. What happened?
Are we a generation spiritually wandering in the wilderness like the Israelites in the Old Testament? Are we grumbling and asking, “How long, O Lord?” Or perhaps we are hiding in a “locked” room like the disciples, afraid to venture out and identify as followers of Christ. Job endured great challenges, argued, and complained but finally submitted himself to God and received great blessings. We live in a broken world that can only be saved by God's love. To move beyond these challenges requires us to boldly go into the world and shine the light of Christ so that all may be saved. By God’s grace, those who humble themselves are saved.
Loving Lord, Maker of all things! “Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.” Open our hearts and minds to remember that you are the creator of everything. Thank you. We love you, Lord! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: God is our protector and helper.
Humble yourself before God and be Blessed! Pastor Liz